Saturday, September 03, 2005

Sad Days in America

I've kept up on the news about the victoms of the latest hurricane, and I see that we as a country really are still not prepared for anything.
The events of 9/11, the hurricane that wiped out Homestead, FL, the 4 major hurricanes last year, it seems as though this country would have a better disaster releif system in place. But what we seem to have is disorganization, misinformation, and people suffering from it.
Someone please explain to me how we can have 100k troops in Iraq inside of 48hours but cannot have food, water, and basic humanitarian needs moved into an area of our own country.
I don't care what the event, 48 hours should be the absolute maximum response needed to have EVERY survivor cared for in some way or another. No excuses, this has been unacceptable response for New Orleans in particular, but all of the South Eastern US.
I hold onto to two thoughts today.
1. My brother' house in under 12' of water.
2. My brother is missing... I'm quite sure he evacuated but due to missing his phone call I don't know which relatives home he is staying at.
Other concerns:
My neice lived in Biloxi, MS and I have no immediate information about her home or family, her mother lives in SC so I would assume she is there, but not for certian.

Needless to say Stress is the word of the day.


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