History of the Siath Continued again...

Amarillo, TX cont.
I ran across, some 'less than proper' people here and sought to amass a small fortune, doing less than honorable deeds. This was probably the most dangerous time in my life. I opted out, walked away from it all (*by all I mean everything that I owned except for the clothes on my back.)
I found a job, worked it for a while, and when the company relocated to Austin, TX I followed.
I miss Austin. It's one of those cities that has a little of everything, but not too much of anything.
The company moved again to Orlando, FL and I went to Orlando with it. This was somewhat of a mistake, but I think it has worked out for the best.
I worked some interesting places. Met my future bride, and even took a vacation to Fort Worth, TX with her so that she could meet Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace. (as a side note I failed to state clearly in the last blog, that the Mrs. Lovelace that had adopted me had died in Alvarado, before I went to Boy's Ranch - This Mrs. Lovelace is the 'stepmom' )
Three years later we had a most beautiful wedding that my bride and I planned together with the cooking and setup help of close freinds and relatives. (I'll scan and post a couple of nice pics later)
A year and a day later our oldest daughter was born.
A couple of years after that our youngest daughter was born.
We will not have anymore as those two nearly incapacitated my wife.
My oldest is now 12 and my youngest is 9.
I should mention to avoid the shock of those that are less 'learned' that my wife is black and I am white, our daughters have a nice perfect tan.
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