Tuesday, August 16, 2005

History of the Siath

The Siath was born in San Antonio, Texas way back in 1968... my mother had some issues with drugs and prostitution, and at age the age of two the Siath was left alone...for days.
From reports and stories told, a neighbor heard the Siath throwing the most terrible fit. (I was hungry, and could not open the can to get the food out *this is my first memory).
Police and Social Services came and took the Siath away. I was transfered to Fort Worth Juv. Just. Div. in order to placed with a foster family faster.
Enter, Mr. and Mrs. Roundtree - Foster Grandparents extrodinare. The Siath loved the Roundtrees and refered to them as 'Mammy and Pappy'...Pappy was retired from the Tarrent County Refuse Center and Mammy hadn't worked as far as the Siath knew.
Enter Mr. and Mrs. Lovelace - and my other natural brothers. (before this the Siath thought he was an 'only child' agh well.)
Thrust into a semi abusive adoptive family things rolled along on the West Side of Fort Worth.
Until one of my natural brothers thought that he could take my adoptive parents in the court of law (*good idea bad idea... THIS WAS A VERY BAD IDEA) my adoptive parents had awards from Fort Worth and Tarrent County for their 'excellent' work with wayward children...
He went to Cal Farley's Boy's Ranch (*more on that place shortly)
Mrs. Lovelace had never been well, she had been born with heart problems and somehow knew her time on earth was growing short (could be that she had suffered her 6th heart attack.)
She wanted to move out of the city and into the country... hmm the Siath didn't like this idea...
So, minus one to Boy's Ranch, minus one to the USN, we moved to Alvarado, TX....ok this is a point to make a point, kids need normalicy, if your a parent and suddenly want to move DONT, CHILDREN SUFFER when you do things like that. I moved from the West Side of FORT WORTH, part of the largest metroplex in the US to a bunghole on the Texas highway system...during my Junior high years...
Alvarado sucked, I was in trouble DAY 1, and stayed in trouble the intire time I lived there...
Needless to say I wanted a way out...so I opted to go live at Boy's Ranch with one of my natural brothers.
I refer to the time at Boy's Ranch as 1031 days of Hell, but hey I graduated and that wasn't gonna happen in Alvarado.
While at Boy's Ranch I learned two skills - Arch. Drafting and Custodial.
I was accepted to Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX...and did everything possible to fund this.. however 31 Grant and loan applications later, I still had no funds for college....so I took the route followed by most of my Adoptive family and joined the Navy...
So, I go to boot camp down in San Diego, CA - 5 weeks later I'm sitting in a hotel room with both knees the size of large grapefruits..so much for getting to college eh?
$600 cash to my name and nothing planned for my so called life...
I bought a used 12 speed, and a new Walkman and proceeded to ride up the coast of California..let the adventure begin.


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